
For the good news, my first traditional art show was a success! I sold two pieces. It was pretty great seeing my work up on the gallery wall. Very different experience than selling it yourself. My rabbits looked so awesome! When they sold I was very happy but I got that familiar pang of loss. I will miss them, I loved that piece.

I just have attachment issues. I don't want to sell any of the pieces from the blog. I want to keep them.

Speaking of the blog....struggle. I have been ill for what feels like a decade. I am not particularly happy with anything I have done in the last few weeks. Michael is able to stay in the spirit of drawing a day - you don't have to love every one. I am not. Also, my camera broke. I love my camera and it was expensive and not much more than a year old so I am pretty unhappy about it. We eventually moved to using a scanner which I absolutely hate. It is nice not having the shadows but good lord, the damn thing doesn't get the color right at all. If the color is subtle, which mine often is it doesn't pick it up at all. And the vibrant colors are off. So much more goes in to this blog than just doing a drawing a day.


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