
Recently my amazing and wonderful boyfriend started a drawing a day blog. He has been thinking of it for a while and finally decided to just do it. By day 2 he had sucked me in and I am now posting a new drawing every day. Today will be day 26, day 24 for me and I had no idea how much I would enjoy it. I also had no idea how much of a motivator it would be. Having to record is much different than simply doing. There are valid arguments for both, but for me the record has been not only a motivator but something that gives me a sense of accomplishment. It is something I really appreciate and something that I enjoy doing.

Which leads me here. I may post drawings that are on my other blog. Sometimes I want to make comments, but I also like to have the drawings just speak for themselves. So here I will tell my stories. I will share my struggle and my journey. I'm sure I'll post about my life, my dog, my travels. Anything and everything all year long.


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